Welcome to Friends Place

Friend’s Place Book Store

775 Greenfield Rd Gilbert AZ 85234
Hours are Monday-Saturday 10:00-4:00, Closed when the library is closed
When Friend’s Place started in 1999, the store was open 4 days a week with monthly member meetings held to determine where money would go. In 2004, members voted to change the bylaws, eliminating monthly meetings and electing a board to conduct business in a more timely manner.
We are now open 6 days a week and the revenue has increased substantially. The store is run entirely by volunteers and managed by a board consisting of nine members.
The board consisted of a President, Vice President, Treasurer, Secretary, as well as five executive positions. Leadership positions volunteer for a three year term and executive positions for two year terms. The board meets quarterly, establishing the budget for the following year each June. All members are invited to the meetings, but only board members can vote.
In addition, there are three chairperson positions: Membership, Scholarship, and Website Manager.
This area has become a favorite of the community.
In 2007, the Perry Branch Library opened. This library is attached to a Chandler High school with funding provided by Chandler and The Town of Gilbert. By a unanimous vote Friends became a source for helping this library as well. Perry Branch also accepts donations for Friends Place.
In 2009, we acquired the vending machine area, allowing us to expand the store. Currently, the extra room stores our non-fiction and media. The artwork on the walls was all donated by members of the community. This area has become a favorite of the community.